Our Story....
David George's interest in helping others began at a young age, however first became a part of his career at 18 years old when he entered the US Navy and became a Search and Rescue Swimmer. Undergoing an intensive regime in order to maintain performance readiness, David developed an aptitude for fitness training and health mentorship. Further fulfilling his passion for teaching others through experiential learning, David later became a Diving and Surfing Instructor in Hawaii before migrating to Australia on his path to study for a new career in healthcare.
Yet having a strong desire to return to ambulatory services for the exhilaration and satisfaction of attempting to save peoples lives in acute circumstances... it was upon his reflection of the role of Education in the Prevention of acute health threats that he decided he wanted his career to focus on helping people to become a greater part of their own solution, rather than simply treating the symptoms of disease progression.
Following the completion of a Bachelor in Health Science at Endeavour College of Natural Therapies, David established The Vikara Company as a trademark for his role in the healthcare industry.
Vikara : meaning, 'Change'
derived from the ancient language of Pali,
used by Theravāda Buddhism.
Through the promotion of Self-Empowerment and patient Education upon the role of dietary, lifestyle, environmental and psychological factors in symptom development and disease progression... David's focus is to help patients to make the necessary changes to improve their Health, Happiness and Wellbeing through the use of Holistic Health tactics, aiming to Treat the Cause and Promote the Healing Power of Nature.